Products for lightning protection 
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Combined lightning current and surge arrester [..]
Bild: Best.Nr. 317 245
Combined arrester P-HMS max - Order number: 317 245
type 1+2, 25 kA (10/350 μs) / pole
SPD type 1+2 according to EN 61643-11.
Pluggable surge protective device based on high energy varistor technology.
Zinc oxide varistor with thermal control and disconnection device.
Safe fixation and contact ensured by module locking mechanism.
PU: 1 piece


Combined arrester P-HMS max
Specification: 3+1-pole
Remote signalling contact: without RS
: L-N 280 V~ / N-PE 255 V~
Mains system: TT and TN(C)-S
Max. continuous operating voltage Uc: 280 V ~
Nominal discharge current In: 75 kA (8/20 µs)
Max. discharge current Imax: 150 kA (8/20 µs)
Lightning impulse current Iimp: 100 kA (10/350 µs)
Voltage protection level Up: < 1.5 kV
Max. backup fuse at parallel wiring: 250 A gL/gG
Max. backup fuse at serial wiring: 125 A gL/gG
Dimensions: 8 mods.
Mounting on rail 35 mm according to EN 60715
Type: P-HMS 280 max 3+1
1 piece

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Regensburger Straße 116
D-92318 Neumarkt
Phone +49 (0)9181/2590-0
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